Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I made it, Muslim Blog is now on no.6 in Google Uk

After accepting the challenge to pursue what I've started, I was finally rewarded. Muslim Blog is now on page 1, no.6 in Google Uk and Google US.

Muslim Blog

sharaaz, the Blog owner is on vacation right now and I'm happy to inform him about this Good News.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Muslim Blog is now on Page 9

Just checked the current ranking of Muslim Blog in Google Uk and it's now on page 9 and in Google US it's on page 3. In the next few days when all the links from all of my websites is crawled by Google it will definitely increase its ranking.

I sacrificed one of my signature in Digital Point just for this challenge, I really want to find out if linking to non-relevant sites also helps.

I also checked Yahoo Explorer and the link results are mostly coming from my links. I'm not sure if those other four who took the challenge are also doing something. But no matter what would be the outcome of this challenge I'm sure I'll be able to learn something. Let's wait again in the next few days.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Title and Header Tags

If you want to rank high for a particular keyword, it is important to place your target keyword on your title tags and header tags. Title tag is very important, it is the first thing the search engine look when visiting a website.

In the case of this Blog, he wants to be on the first page for the keyword Muslim Blog but it's title tag is "Life is about believing". So this Blog is ranking for this keyword and not muslim blog. It's actually on the first page right now. If you try to search muslim blog in Google, the Blog is nowhere to be found.

So how could this Blog rank for the keyword muslim blog when it is not in the title or header tags. Here you'll try to apply the so called off page optimization, the harder part in Seo. And this is what I'm trying to do. To be able to rank for this keyword you should try to link this Blog to other websites with the anchor text of muslim blog.

I know there are five of us who took up the challenge, but I'm not sure if they are doing the same thing.

I already placed some links to some of my websites, it's all sidewide links. I even placed it on my signature in DP. If all the the links will be crawled in a months time it will generate more than a thousands links. I'm not really that dead serious to win, this is also an experiment for me. So let's wait and see in the next few days.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Muslim Blog Links

In Seo, links is very important, but all links are not equal. Linking your site to a hundred related sites could rank better to a site linking to thousands non-related sites.

With regards to this Muslim Blog, it has only 8 links so far in Yahoo Explorer, so you should not expect this Blog to be on the first page of Google Uk for this 8 links alone.

But for me linking to non-related sites can also help, so I'll try to link this Blog to my several websites and let see what will happen.

Muslim Blog and Rss

After posting it is important to submit your Blog RSS feed, so I submitted it here.

By doing this you are informing several search engines that you have just updated your Blog, spiders will crawl your Blog and will be posted to several RSS sites like Technorati.

Muslim Blog

This Blog is not really about Muslims. This is about a challenge in Digital Point made by one member who is offering 500$ to any Seo who can have his site on the first page of Google Uk for the keyword "Muslim Blog" in just a month time. I know it's not a competitive keyword so I took up the challenge. But I'm not alone here, there are five of us who took the challenge. I asked the web owner how could he determine the would be winner if there are five of us doing the Job, I was told that he would be updated.

So I decided to made this Blog, maybe to put here some of the things that I've done for his Blog.

Right after I took the challenge I submitted his Blog to several Bookmarking sites and also to Digg and here is the screenshot.

I know I can have his site on the first page of Google Uk for the keyword
"muslim blog" since the procedure that I'll be doing is the same as what I did for my company's website which is currently on the first page of Google for the keyword philippine condominium and
philippine condominiums, I did it in just a month time so I'm confident that I can also do it to this Muslim Blogtoo.